Jul 19, 2010

Thankful for THESE times

In the 1950's, women were responsible for keeping house, cooking meals, raising the kids..etc while the men were off at work. It was rare during those times that a woman would have a decent job with decent pay. Over time as women have become more independent and granted 'almost equal' positions/offers as men things have changed for households. I don't know if I would like to stay at home full time (I know I know, I say that without having REALLY experienced it) - - when I'm off for Christmas break after 3-4 days I start to get bored and wish I was back at work. While I don't mind sleeping in - - I don't like being cooped up in a house all day either.

I'm very thankful that Hardy and I both have jobs that for now keep us afloat with our embarassing credit card balances and house payment. I take pride in how hard I've worked to get our credit scores up and keep them there. After having bought the townhome, I'm TRYING to find a way to pay off our credit cards (I know that's backwards, we should have done that before buying a home). But we were able to get the home and it was too good not to take. I've attempted to apply for a personal loan but so far the banks tell me our debt-to-income ratio won't allow for one. But I'm like - - uhh hello, if you'd give me the loan I WON'T HAVE THESE credit card bills anymore, duh!?!? Whatever...the economy sucks even for responsible people who are trying to go about things the right way.

Back to household duties - when we lived in our tiny 1 bedroom apartment in Gainesville we didn't really have 'duties', I generally always had to ask for help from Hardy to change the litter box or vacuum..etc etc. Now that we're in a much larger space, however, we agreed to split the downstairs/upstairs duties. I'm very proud of my husband for doing what he does, even if sometimes I still feel like I do more. I realize he works hard every day of the week and appreciate his willingness to help. I feel that if both people work then they should share responsibilities. If you split the bills, why not split the housework - - right? Now if I were at home all day, I would make sure the house was always clean and presentable because that would be my job. I'm even lucky enough that Hardy enjoys cooking - even though his 'part' of the house involved the kitchen, I didn't demand that he be the cook but he is and he's great at it. I still, occasionally make meals if he's not familiar how to cook it or it's something suggested and I have the recipe but most nights it's him that cooks.

Ahhhh I love him.


  1. That is awesome that he does half of the cleaning. Michael helps a lot, but doesn't do anywhere near half. Cleaning is not my speciality, so our house is always a wreck!

    You wont know if you like staying home or not until you have kids. Some people can't stand it and need to work, but others love it. I never, ever have a free moment and am always doing something. When the kids go to bed I have to do housework and then fall in the bed. I do enjoy working a little (I work for Michael), but I only work a few hours a week and the kids go with me. It's nice to have some balance to fit everything in, but being a stay at home mom is anything but boring!

  2. I am not meant to work! It's hilarious to me that the name Emily means "industrious" and I'm the most un-working personality type ever!!! Even when ALL our kids are grown and in school I never plan to have a job! I swear it's not laziness (as I think I'm a rockin' at home mom for real!) it's just not my passion and therefore I've never been very good at it. My house IS always clean and I do typically cook dinner. I actually WISH that women would have never fought for equal rights, we had it WAY better back then!!!!
