Jun 22, 2010

Ohhh sweet Tinker Bell

So if you can't tell from some of my photo's, we have two kids (ok ok ok they're cats but just as much as kids as a human kid).  Anyway - Tinker Bell is quite the 'plus sized' cat...guess you could say she takes after her mommy.  Every summer when she starts shed her winter coat she always ends up getting dandruff and these little clumps of hair where she can't reach her back to groom herself.  For several days now we have been putting fixing this problem because she's always a screamer "meow" when we take her into the bathroom and close the door.  We have to keep Flower away from her because he always tries to bite her when we're working with her (like telling her to behave for mommy and daddy).

Tonight, I am so proud of her.  She didn't whine or try to run away at all, she just sat there and let us do our job, like she knew we were helping get these painful clumps off her back.  After all the shaving/clipping we decided it was best to give her a bath to try and get all the dandruff and loose hairs off, she hid behind her foodbowl at first - - as if it has a secret forcefield around it to keep mommy from grabbing her but was a champ all the way through the bath.

Now she looks like a cat who got in a fight with a blender, but she's feeling much better!!!

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