Jan 21, 2013

4 months old!

I'll probably never stop commenting on how time flies, but it does.

I find myself sitting at work some days trying to remember I was actually out for 8 weeks and that I once had a baby in my belly.

Even my time in the hospital seems like a blur. You're in, you're out and blam you have a baby home with you. Each new day is so special though, seeing her grow and change and develop new skills.

As of today....

- Persephone is sleeping in her crib in her room.

- Eating 5.5oz 5 to 6 times a day

- Sleeping 7-8hrs overnight

- Laughing

- Attempting to roll to one side

- Can hold her head steady while propped on arms

- Shows excitement for mommy and daddy

- Loves watching TV (she comes by that honest haha)

- In size 2 diapers

- In size 3-6mo clothes

- Such a happy baby

We are so lucky to have Persephone in our lives. I fall more in love with her each day :)

Now for the fun part - PICTURES!

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