Feb 23, 2011

No news is good news

Monday 2/21/11 my Gmother was told by her medical team that there was nothing further they could do for her.  That the leukemia (AML - acute myeloid leukemia) was so far advanced that none of the treatments and/or remedies they were using was making strides.  He approved in-home hospice care. 
I never in my life expected someone I know, let alone in my family to suffer from such a horrible disease.  You never think it will happen, then it does.  She has been healthy all of her life, no illness, no broken bones...etc.  She was just diagnosed at Thanksgiving.  After 3 rounds of chemo, constant giving of blood/platelets there is nothing else they can do?  My sweet Gmother didn't deserve any of this, she is a kind, loving, caring human being (no one deserves it).  And to see my Gdaddy so worn out and suffering in his own ways is heartbreaking. 
Truthfully speaking, when hospice is called in - you know the patients days are limited.  I have taken off Friday so I can go see my Gmother and if nothing else, tell her how much I love her.  I don't want her to suffer but I don't want her to leave.  I know she has a spot waiting for her in heaven and that God will take care of her until we meet again but it's hard, so hard.
Please remember my Gmother in your thoughts/prayers as well as our family.  Her name is Betty Fulbright.

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