Feb 15, 2011

I'm thinking of the place "Where Dreams Come True"

Some people get...
an itch for a cruise
an itch for the beach
an itch for the mountains
an itch for the wilderness
an itch for a road trip
an itch for Europe
I have a constant itch for Disney World.  In fact, I think I'm allergic to being AWAY from it. 
In total I have visited DW 8 times (3x's as a child / 5x's with Hardy).  I know there are plenty of you who have never been to Disney and probably never have a desire to go but I LOVE IT, LOVE IT...LOVE IT!  It's expensive but there are ways to do Disney on a budget and if you plan far enough in advance you can pay over time for your trip when booked directly through Disney.  They recently sent me an email offering up to 40% off a resort stay if booked by 2/28/11.  We're not made of money by any means, but some how we always move money around and make it happen.
I'm trying to find a way to make it this year.  All I need is a little faith, trust and pixie dust.


  1. Disney World sounds like fun right about now. I might just try to slim down by then and hide out in the suitcase :)

  2. GIrl take me with you. Greg knows not to bring up DW around me. I start crying. HAHA
