Jun 19, 2012

So much to do in so little time

Assuming I'll go full term, I literally have 15 weeks left (as of this coming Saturday).  I'm not sure how I missed someone pushing the fast-forward button on my life, but this is creeping up on me like I never imagined.  I've been blessed to have an uncomplicated pregnancy thus far and I hope it continues from here on out.  With only a few months left, we really need to get her room in order and decorated soon so that's one less thing we have to worry about.  But who am I kidding?  Without poking and pushing, Hardy and I are probably two of the worlds WORST procrastinators....it is what it is.
We finally got 2 registries completed, Babies R Us and Target.  I feel weird registering for things so expensive.  When we got married I didn't have a whole lot on a registry because we had already been living together 4 years and had most every thing a newlywed couple would need.  So I'm out of my element with picking certain things.  I just hope I'm picking logical things that we NEED, I think I have.
Now that I'm so used to Persephone's movements and kicks, I find myself freaking out if I don't feel them during a "normal movement time".  I'll start pushing and squishing my stomach to try and get her to move around.  I guess that's a normal thing to do...right?  I have a feeling the paranoia only gets worse from here on out.
**Side note that has nothing to do with pregnancy or Persephone:  Did anyone hear about the Mickey shaped crater on Mercury? 
According to thefw.com:
NASA's Messenger probe photographed three craters on the surface of Mercury that look strikingly similar to Disney's beloved mascot Mickey Mouse.  The instantly recognizable shape of Mickey's head is formed by three overlapping craters in Mercury's southern hemisphere, the largest of which measures 65 miles across.  Messenger is the first spacecraft to ever orbit Mercury and has been photographing the planet for the past year. The probe has acquired 88,746 images so far and will take an additional 80,000 photographs before its extended mission ends.
Mickey Mouse on Mercury


  1. Register for what you want! - who cares how much it costs. Just because it's on your registry doesn't mean that someone HAS to get it for you, it just gives options to people who would like to spend a little more ;) Plus it will also keep you on track if you get any gift cards...

  2. It is completely normal to try and feel movement when yuo haven't felt it in awhile. Damian ALWAYS moved (should of been an indication of what was to come!). He hurt he moved so hard. Madelyn was very quiet and I was always worrying she wansn't moving enough. I can't believe she will be here so soon!

  3. Aw time does fly by SO quickly!! Your registry looks great!! Are you doing a minnie mouse/disney nursery?
    Never worry about the price of things, with this being your first baby, people are very giving!!

  4. We are doing a Disney themed nursery, but more based on Mickey and Minnie's main colors, black, red and white. Obviously there isn't nursery themed bedding at normal retailers to help with that...but with some paint and creative thinking I think it will turn out great :).
